Let's go catch some butterflies!

"The joy in catching butterflies is the joy of capturing - for an instant - utter beauty. The satisfaction of being able to let it go is immense.” -- Ruth Rudner
Do we really catch butterflies, or do they capture us? This is something I was pondering on my walk...the idea of how what we seek often already has our heart, our attention, our effort, our joy. So really, when it's momentarily within our grasp, we are in fact captive ourselves.
I remember getting in trouble in school (probably only one of two times EVER; the other being for bringing and sharing cinnamon toothpicks with another student who apparently had an allergic reaction...eeek!). Anyway, my very first time to get in trouble was for being very late back from recess because I was "chasing butterflies." I really was. Looking back, I think I was transfixed by joy.
Nowadays it seems I need to be reminded to look for and recognize joy, possibly because I don't want to let it go. Do any of you relate?
My childlike pursuit: I want to look for joy and be still enough to let it land on me like a butterfly. I will let myself be open fully to its beauty without guarding myself against it taking flight again.
Maybe letting go is a form of joy all its own because it shows you trust it won't be the last time.
We had a winner to our very first wine tour GIVEAWAY for Administrative Professional's Day! Here is the winning nomination:
"I would like to nominate Steven. He started six months ago but has sacrificed time, health and sometimes family to help keep up with customer demands without an MRP system. He has been an excellent example of a team player and not losing his cool in a stress impacted situation. Last month was his anniversary and I would love to give him and his wife another opportunity to celebrate their special day with quality time and a wine tour."

Serendipity Wine Tour Gift Certificates now available! Can purchase in $100 increments or "The Works" for $600. What a wonderful gift idea!
Could be your present for Mother's Day this year!

Founding the Wine Tourism Collective is still front and center in my mind. I'm meeting with Justina, the facilitator of the current ITC (Industry Tasting Collective) mid-May and look forward to learning and sharing ideas.
Working on a possible Vineyard 101 Tour Add-on for guests. Stay tuned...

The discovery of mammoth bones is not unusual in the Willamette Valley. They were even discovered during an expansion project at Oregon State University's Reser Stadium in 2016. It is believed that mammoths used to roam in the valley by the thousands. "It just goes to show there's a whole world of the past that exists underground," Davis said.
I'm a relative newbie to the Oregon wine industry. This veteran (going on 30+ years in the industry) is the sweetest lady and has done her part to make me feel welcome. I decided to ask Sue if she would like to be the subject of my very first Serendipity Spotlight and she said yes! (Add bravery to all of her other amazing qualities.) Ha!
What do you love most about running a B&B?
Meeting the people. The people that come are very interesting and visit from Europe, Canada, Japan. I love talking to people who haven't been here before.
What would you say is your favorite type of guest?
People who are appreciative of our setting. They really enjoy the view and being out in the country. We're quiet here. I love it when they say, "We usually don't sleep well our first night anywhere so we'll take breakfast early." So we'll be all ready for an early breakfast and then they're late because they slept so well.
Do you have a most memorable B&B story?
There were some people who came from back east who had booked 3 nights here and then were moving on to a different place for the remainder of their vacation. They called the very next day and asked if they could come back or they wanted to cut their vacation short. It was bittersweet because we couldn't take them right away but we were able to the next night. They had some trauma things for them so were relaxing so much here. When they moved on, they didn't have that same relaxation.
What do you love most about the spot where you live in Yamhill? Being out in the open with the views with no sirens or lights. You can see the stars.
What is your personal favorite breakfast?
Believe it or not, I usually don't eat breakfast unless I'm traveling. (We both laughed.) Then it's probably potatoes, eggs and sausage.
What are some positive changes you see in the industry since you and Ralph first got into it?
There's a lot more knowledge now, also an increase in international wine industry knowledge. I see more research is done. There's a big move toward biodynamic, etc. We follow some of the things but are not certified. We do what we feel is safe for us and for our land. We don't till, we mow every other row to keep habitat and bugs, etc., to keep mother nature in balance. We don't burn vines anymore but instead use flailing method.
What are some challenges in your opinion?
A challenge can be that we are losing some of the Oregon owners' influence. The good thing is that we're getting known worldwide for what we have here in the area.
What is the most important quality you would like to see survive as wine industry is growing?
To keep our identity as being small growers and family run wineries. We want to stay a farming community. It's nice to see diversity of other farms as well. We want to keep views, no skyscrapers. Oregon has unique land use laws so as long as those are in place, things should stay fairly the same.
What is your favorite childlike quality that you possess?
Cutting up fabric and putting it back together to quilt. I love sewing. So I would say creativity and the joy I find in that.
What is a childlike quality that you would like to cultivate?
Being spontaneous. I was never spontaneous as a child either; pros and cons were always looked at and everything was planned out.
What is one thing you would love people to know about you?
I taught myself to cook different breakfasts. This was not in my lifestyle before so I experimented on my own. I even created a "no-wheat" granola.
Thank you, Sue, for a wonderful visit and for all of your kindness. You have given so much to Oregon's wine industry and your serving heart shows in all you do. Looking forward to connecting again!
Want to learn more about Sue and Ralph's vineyards and B&B? Click here.