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Writer's pictureHolly Kirby


Curious? Ooo, let's investigate!

"Cultivate curiosity. If you really want to grow in your lifetime, learn to be as inquisitive as a child. Curious people are never bored, and for them life becomes an unending study of joy.” -- Tony Robbins

Growing up I remember being curious about horses. I loved everything about them...from afar. Their beauty and strength were breathtaking. To me they looked like FREEDOM on four legs. I fantasized about re-writing my story with horses in the pages. It was all so romantic.

(In fact, here are some shots I took on the way home from a tour just this week. Aren't they gorgeous?)

Sadly, the other side of the curiosity coin for me was fear of failure. I didn't know anything about horses nor did I have anyone in my circle who did. I didn't know where to start. I didn't belong to that world. I wasn't "horse people."

Do you know a great antidote for the paralyzing poison of fear of failure? Doing it anyway. That and truly embracing a "beginner's mind" about things. Decide it's okay to be new at something and to possibly not be good at it just yet.

I'm happy to report that one fine day my childlike curiosity won.

I signed myself up for horseback riding lessons at a ranch nearby and even went and bought me a pair of Fatbaby boots!

Sometimes we need to just take the leap and investigate something we're curious about. (Even if it means a new pair of shoes is required.)

Stay curious (#cultivatecuriosity) and kick fear of failure to the curb. I'll be over here in my boots cheering you on!

Serendipitous News

We are still taking submissions for our first WINE TOUR GIVEAWAY in honor of Administrative Professional's Day. Know somebody you couldn't do your job without (coworker, colleague, administrative assistant)? Make sure and nominate them! This gift is a $500+ value and would be an awesome way to thank them for their support all year long.

Here are the ways you can enter:

1 - Make an IG post about your coworker and why they deserve this special day away, tag us, then hashtag it with #admindaytourgiveaway for us to see.

2 - Send a photo and paragraph, or two ;), about your coworker and why they could use a getaway to:

Submit your entry by Wednesday, April 21st (Administrative Professional's Day) and we will announce the lucky winner that Friday, April 23rd!

Know someone who may be able to spread the word about this Serendipitous Giveaway? Please feel free to share! Thank you!

Vision Board

“Hold the vision. Trust the process.”

As you may know, I'm working toward becoming a Certified B Corp and was able to meet virtually with an amazing consultant that helped me think through how I might address some of the assessment questions next year. One of the ideas was to seek out more environmentally friendly options for our complimentary water bottles (which currently are single use plastic). Good news is that I did find a company and we are in the beginning stages of collaborating. More to come!

I was able to share the vision of the Wine Tourism Collective with more people in the industry over the last couple of weeks and had very positive and construction feedback! A meeting is in the works with the rockstar who is heading up the current ITC (Industry Tasting Collective) and I'm excited about the tangible steps that will come out of that face to face interaction. I truly adore the people that make up our Oregon wine industry. I'm blessed to be a part of it.

Curiosity Corner

Did you know the largest meteorite found in North America was found in Oregon? It is called the Willamette Meteorite and since there was no impact crater, it was believed to have been transported on a glacier (as a glacial erratic) from Canada or Montana to where it was discovered near the modern city of West Linn, OR.

By User:Dante Alighieri - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


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